Sunday, May 10, 2015

Install line on kali, ubuntu

how to install line on ubunt

1. Install wine
#apt-get install wine
2. Downlaod line
gotot website:
save file
unzip file and copy folder LINE to /home/youehome/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/
3. Edit line script
#cd /usr/bin
#mv line line_mv
#vim line

-------------------------------------------Create new script ---------------------------------------------

wine /home/yourhome/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/LINE/Line.exe 2>&1

------------------------------------------Save and exit --------------------------------------------------
Change permission
#chomod u+x line
#chmod o+x line
4. Create short cut to desktop (see picture)
for create short cut ubuntu 15.04 read here!

* Icone line

3. add font thai
4. add font thai 2
copy font thai to drive /home/my user/.wine/drive_c/windows/

sed -i "s/font-family:[^;]*;/font-family:'tahoma';/g" ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/LINE/res/skin/basic/css/*

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